Our Mission
The Israel Virtual House of Prayer (VHOP) exists to join a global community of watchmen who will ‘stand on the wall’ (Isaiah 62) as intercessors for Israel and the Jewish people to live the Biblical prophecies and fullness of their God-given destiny. Segments of prayer will be led by appointed global leaders. Anyone who registers can join virtually to agree in prayer in ‘one accord’ of unity. Intercession will also be accompanied by worship at various times.
Some Key Scriptures To Help Guide in Prayer Include:
The Everlasting Abrahamic Covenant to Israel of descendants, land and to be a blessing to the world (Genesis 12:1-3; Gen. 13:14-17; Gen. 15; Gen. 17)
Isaiah 60: 1- 5 The arising of God’s Glory over Israel and Gentiles “shall come to your light.”
Isaiah 62 The heart of God to ‘marry’ Israel and raise up watchmen who will contend for her destiny
Ezekiel 36:26 - The heart of stone of secular Israel awakening to God with a heart of flesh
Ezekiel 37 The Lord changes a valley of dry bones (the house of Israel vs 11) into a thriving, living land
Psalm 122:6-7 For Peace in Jerusalem
Malachi 4:5-6 The outpouring of the spirit of Elijah
The prosperity of Judea and Samaria (Ez. 36)