Prayer Targets
Here are some of the strategic targets we will be focused on in the House of Prayer. For more information and some structured ways to pray and fast for the Nation and people of Israel, download our free ebook below.
Heart of Stone to Flesh.
Heart of Stone to the heart of flesh (Ez. 36:26) and that the Jewish people would ‘know’ the Lord with His laws written on their hearts (Jer. 31:31-40).
A Global Prayer Movement Raised Up.
There would be a global intercessory movement as “Watchmen on the Wall” until Jerusalem is a ‘praise on the earth.’ (Isaiah 62) and there would be peace in Jerusalem and Israel (Psalm 122:6)
A Cultural Shift Towards God.
A cultural and spiritual shift in Israel in a turning to the Word of God and full restoration of the Father’s purposes for the Jewish people.
Protection for Israel and her People
Protection of Israel’s borders and a breaking of Antisemitism across the globe.